Study Room Reservations

Study Room Reservations






The Sr. Elizabeth Ann Sueltenfuss Library has 8 general study rooms:





The one graduate study room on the second floor (L207), along with three study rooms on the third floor (L304, L306 & L312), are available through reservation only. The remainder of rooms on the third floor are available on a first-come, first-served basis.  Groups have priority for all study rooms. 

Study rooms are the property of Sueltenfuss Library and staff may enter rooms as needed.



Reserving a Study Room

Sr. Elizabeth Ann Sueltenfuss Library currently has one study room available for reservation on the 2nd floor and three study rooms available for reservation on the third floor.


How to Reserve a Study Room.


  • Only current OLLU students, faculty and staff may make reservations.
  • Reservations must be made at least 6 hours in advance.
  • A maximum of two people may occupy a reserved study room.
  • Room reservations will be available for 3-hour and 2-hour intervals.
  • A confirmation email will be sent once your reservation is submitted.
  • All persons must sign in and out at the 2nd floor check out desk.
  • Failure to abide by study room etiquette will result in loss of privileges.


Technology, Equipment, and Belongings


  • Study rooms are equipped with a white board.
  • Dry erase markers and erasers may be checked out at the checkout desk located on the second floor of the library.
  • Keyboards for large monitor may also be checked out at the checkout desk.
  • Troubleshooting issues with monitors will need to be discussed with Media Services.
  • Study rooms are secured with an interior lock in the event you may need to leave belongings during a reservation period. Library staff will need to be notified to unlock doors.
  • Library staff is not liable for any theft or loss of property.


Study Room Etiquette

  • Abide by all library rules and posted signs.
  • Covered drinks are permissible.
  • Study rooms are not soundproof, please be mindful of your peers.
  • Dispose of all food and trash from table and chairs before exiting the room.
  • Please disinfect table and chairs when your reservation is over.



Failure to Comply

Students reserving study rooms must abide by the posted study room etiquette at all times. Failure to comply may result in a loss of library privileges.


First offense: A first offense will result in a verbal warning.


Second offense: Forfeiture of study room reservation.


Third offense: Loss of privileges of reserving a study room.


Multiple offenses may result in loss of library privileges. Violators may be referred to University administration for disciplinary action and may also face civil and/or criminal charges.